Due to COVID-19, I’ve been getting creative with at-home date night ideas with my hubby! Some of these I have yet to do & others we’ve tried & loved! Because I love you guys and want your marriages and relationships to not only thrive, but be fun & exciting!.. I’ve complied a list of creative, at-home date night ideas!
- Learn to dance in your living room together! Show Her Off offers classes to take from your home
* Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash
- Make a fort out of pillows and blankets in your living room and have a movie night together
- Turn your home into a miniature golf course
- Blindfold baking! – Your partner has to direct you only with words!
- Go camping in your living room or backyard. Set up the tent and make smores!
* Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash
- Have a Spa night! Light some candles and put on a spa playlist (Spotify has some good ones!) Use face masks and give massages!
- Have a Game Night! Dust off the old cards and board games!
- Put together a puzzle together
- Paint or color together! Amazon has great Adult coloring books (some are pretty hilarious!)
- Stay the night in a different room of the house! Treat it like you took a trip! Breakfast in bed?! Why Yes!
- Subscribe to a Date Night box! There are several listed HERE!
- Do a Couples Yoga Session (Youtube has some videos!)
- Star gaze in your backyard (or take a drive out of town)
* Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash
- Have a Drive-in movie in your driveway! Set up a projector to shine on your garage door set up lawn chairs and blankets!
- Relive your wedding day. Pull out your album and flip through it together and/or watch your wedding video
- Impromptu Photo Session. Pull out your camera and put it on a timer! See what shots you can get of each other and flirt it up!
* Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
- Backyard Picnic! Get out a blanket and bring your lunch to the lawn
- Cultural Date Night. Get takeout from a restaurant that either of you has ever had OR learn to cook a new food from another culture. Decorations not mandatory but definitely bonus points!
* Photo by Heather Ford on Unsplash
- Play video games together. Dust off those old gaming systems or turn on the gaming system and challenge each other!
Have more ideas?! Comment below and share!