If you would have told me 4 years ago that I would move out of Illinois, I would have told you that you’re crazy. At 20 years old, I thought I had my whole life figured out. – I would graduate, go full-time with my photography business, live in the country in a sweet little house, until I would eventually build my own for my future children. My friends were jealous because they hadn’t even decided what would happen after they left college, let alone 20+ years down the road! I just knew where my life was going. Simple as that! … Well God had other plans!
I have learned and grown SO much from moving over 500 miles two times in a year. (I jokingly tell Derrick that we like to play leap frog with states when we move!) – I have learned more things than I could fit into one post, but I’ll narrow it down to the big ones!
Honestly, this is still something that I struggle with, but I am So much better than I used to be. Since I was very young, I always kept myself busy! I realized that I don’t know how to be still when I first moved in with Derrick. I struggled with this So (darn) much! But it was hard for me to be busy when I didn’t know where to go or who I could busy-myself with! Learning how to slow down and embrace the stillness for me is SO Hard! But when I do it, I feel So much better afterwards. It’s like pressing the reset button in my mind and just learning how to breathe without so much pressure!
I think this Truly hit me when we started our trip from Oklahoma to Nebraska with all of our belongings + our doggies parked on the side of the interstate.. 5 miles into the trip. Still in Tulsa, cars were speeding by nearly 2 feet from Derrick, who was trying to change a flat tire. (Which really fired me up – that people weren’t moving out of the lane for him! – So Dangerous and scary!) Nevertheless, during the entire drive Derrick was so stressed that we wouldn’t make it. And we’d be stuck in the middle of Kansas somewhere! Not only did we not know if we’d make it, but I had no idea what would happen once we got here.. We hadn’t even seen our new home yet, except for in photos. Talk about Faith & Hope! I continually prayed during the whole drive for our safety and our new home. And guess what guys.. WE MADE IT. Throughout all the other mishaps and uncertainty the drive gave us.. we made it. And we are still living in the same house that we initially moved into! – God is Good Guys. && Worrying does no good when it doesn’t change the outcome.
You guys, I feel SO blessed for the people God has put into my life in these new communities. Perfect strangers pouring out their hearts to me for no reason at all than just being a friendly face. In Tulsa, I was amazed at how people that are So Different could hang out and be friends. And then in Kearney, I was welcomed into the community by a few strangers just like family. I have received so much faith and trust from people who know barely anything about who I am. It’s an amazing thing to be so welcomed by people for who I am NOW and not because of who I know. God has shown me that He can guide and protect me no matter Where I am or where I go… Illinois… Oklahoma… Nebraska… He continually shows me that He’s still here with me & pursuing me. There’s no “moving away” with Him! <3
There are so many other lessons and stories that I could share with you about this. But I save that for another time! If you’ve ever moved far away from home or across the county (or you are about to!), message me and tell me about it! I’d love to swap stories with you or encourage you. I promise, it’s not nearly as scary as it initially feels.
With Love,
Kasey Colby
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