I want to start this by sharing that this is strictly about moving your house and life over 500+ miles! Derrick’s (my Fiancé) career moved him from Alabama to Oklahoma… Then we moved in together, and moved from Oklahoma to Nebraska in 2 weeks. And now his promotion is moving us to the Indiana/Illinois/Kentucky area! – Not to mention, during the worldwide COVID-19 and 6 months away from our wedding..
I am writing this post as we are currently undergoing this process!! (See below for my current look! haha!)

First before anything else, make sure it is FINAL. You don’t want to start these steps until you know for 100% that you are moving.
Where to start:
- If you are not on the receiving end of the promotion/career that’s causing the move- Notify your workplace! But Let them know when your last day will be!
- If you work from home and have clients, make sure you email each of them of your moving and let them know how this will effect your job with them or how it will not effect them!! But make sure you do this before announcing to social media of any kind. (This is VERY important!)
- Contact Doctor’s offices to get copies of your records, and any family members (ie spouse, children, dogs, etc)
- Dentist
- Veterinarian
- Eye Doctor
- Gynecologist
- Dermatologist
- Etc!
- Think of any “ties” that you have to your current location and write them all down! For me:
- Any subscription services: Grove, Thrive Market, Verb, Fabletics, Magazines, Etc!
- Do you have any clothes at the Dry Cleaners that needs picked up? What about your seamstress?
- Plane tickets that were purchased for your current location that need changed
- Notify any local groups that you are a part of. For me:
- Bible Study group
- Local Rising Tide Society chapter
- Etc!
- If you are planning your wedding (like I am):
- Does your wedding dress (purchased from a local bridal shop) need picked up?
- Any packages, mail needs to be re-directed to your new or temporary address! (You can go onto USPS.com and do this)
- Make sure your registry is updated for your new or temporary address.
- Notify Vendors: Wedding Planner, Honeymoon Travel Agent, and Photographer (So far, the other vendors can wait since our wedding is a Destination wedding any way!
- Sell/Donate/Throw Away anything you don’t want to bring with you on the move!!
- Facebook Marketplace & Instagram Stories are a great place to sell!!
- Take to Goodwill any items that won’t sell
- Ask friends if they are interested in coming “shopping” through your get-rid-of items!
- As you box things up, you may find unnecessary trash. (For example, I found an empty bottle of perfume? Pitch it!!)
- Change your Bank Address!! Very Important to do asap!!
- If you don’t have a nationwide bank, you may consider transferring to one if you are moving out of state! I did not do this for our current state, and had a hard time getting cash to-and-from my bank account! (Pain in the butt to avoid!)
- If you are renting the place that you are moving out of, read over your lease and get familiar with it!! Make sure you leave the place exactly how they ask..
- We lost a set of keys while living here, so we’ll need to get a replacement set made to avoid getting charged a fee!
- Our lease requires a written 30 day notice of moving!

If you are planning to move soon, don’t stress too much. Take time for yourself to “turn it off”- Take a bubble bath, get a bottle of wine. If you are an entrepreneur that is moving (like me), The Restart Specialist is an amazing resource!!
Let me know if you are moving and where!! I’d love to reassure you and help you during this time! You got this!!